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加入日期: 2023年4月3日


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劉劍文,筆名莫笑愚,湘籍居加州中海岸,詩人,譯者,中國通俗文藝研究會詩歌委員會委員,美國洛杉磯華人作家協會會員。 農業經濟學博士,康乃爾大學漢弗萊訪問學者,曾任職於世界銀行。 寫詩、譯詩,出版有詩集《穿過那片發光的海》和《水與火的中間是煙》,任《新世紀中國詩選》副主編。 詩作被選入多種詩歌年選。 獲卡丘.沃倫詩歌獎和第六屆中國詩歌春晚十年詩歌成就獎等。

Jianwen Liu, pen named Mo Xiaoyu, is a poet who writes in Chinese and English. Jianwen is a member of the Poetry Committee of Chinese Popular Art and Literature Research Association, and a member of Los Angeles Chinese Writers Association, Having worked at the World Bank, Jianwen is an agricultural economist with a Ph.D in Agricultural Economics, a Hubert H. Humphrey Fellow to Cornell University (2000/2001), and has published two poetry collections, "Across the Shining Ocean" and "Smoke between Water and Fire". She is also the co-editor of "New Century Chinese Poetry Anthology". Her poems have been included in various poetry anthologies and yearbooks in China. She has won poetry awards such as "Ten Years Achievement Award for Chinese Poetry" by the 6th Chinese Poetry Spring Festival Gala Awards in 2020 and "Culture Warren Poetry Award", etc. Jianwen is from China and lives in Central Coast of California.

莫笑愚 Mo Xiaoyu (Jianwen Liu)


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